
Do Essential Oils Cure Migraine Attacks?

Aromatherapy using essential oils is a popular natural migraine treatment. Though there isn’t much evidence that aromatherapy cures migraines, some studies suggest that certain essential oils may be safe and effective. Some people swear by them, claiming they can prevent attacks or alleviate other symptoms that often accompany them, such as nausea or sleeplessness.

Essential Oils: What Are They?

Essential oils are chemical compounds that are highly concentrated and extracted from plants. They’re commonly used as a home remedy for various ailments, general health, and well-being.

The following are some of the most commonly used essential oils for migraines:

  • Chamomile oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Rose oil
  • Spearmint oil
  • Tangerine oil

Are Essential Oils Beneficial?

Most essential oils are not FDA-approved unless they make explicit drug claims. As a result, there hasn’t been much government research on them. Other researchers, however, have tested essential oils for migraines and derived tentative conclusions.

One group of researchers discovered that combining peppermint and ethanol helped relieve pain, but they concluded that more research was needed to understand how essential oils compare to other pain relievers. Another study discovered that inhaling lavender oil for 15 minutes could help with migraine headaches.

Aside from these scientific findings, some people rely on essential oils as a home remedy for migraine attacks.

Essential oils have no serious side effects when used properly, so there’s almost no risk in trying them, even if they don’t work.

Which Essential Oils Are the Best for Migraines?

The American Migraine Foundation recommends lavender, peppermint, and tangerine essential oils for migraine treatment. However, the organization notes that these headache treatments have not been “rigorously proven.”

So, which essential oil is best? The answer varies from person to person. Nonetheless, the oils mentioned above are a good place to begin.

How Can Essential Oils Be Used to Treat Migraine Attacks?

Essential oils can be inhaled or applied to the skin. There are several methods for safely inhaling essential oils: One way is to use a diffuser. Some diffusers are waterless, which means they can be filled with pure essential oils, while others have a water tank into which one pours a few drops.

Another method is gently wafting the essential oil from the bottle or using the steam method. All a person needs to do is place a few drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot water and breathe deeply for several minutes.

Essential oils can also be applied topically with a roll-on stick applicator. These convenient products already contain carrier oil, so they just have to be applied to the temples, neck, or behind the ear whenever one feels a migraine coming on.